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相信大部分人都不太清楚到底搜尋引擎如何運作, 就算是SEO專家或是技術高手, 對於Google的PageRank也都只能由觀察來推論實際運作的可能性, 現在我們就幾個關鍵人物的說法來探究 ...

近日Google的官方部落格刊登了Udi Manber(VP Engineering, Search Quality)的這篇文章: Introduction to Google Search Quality, 並且透露Google將定期公告關於搜尋引擎的訊息

Udi Manber在2006年前是負責Amazon的A9搜尋引擎, 因此雖然只加入Google兩年, 但是已經算是搜尋引擎的老鳥了

在談Udi Manber的文章前, 我們先來看Blekko的Rich Skrenta, 他敘述關於search engine:

Step 1 is to copy the internet onto your cluster. Step 2 is to analyze it..

Search is like 7 hard problems wrapped into a stack. Distributed systems, html analytics, text analytics/semantics, anti-spam, AI/ML, frontend/UI. And scale...

Plus there is always something fresh and new every day mining through the vast sordidness of the many billions of pages on the web. You expect to be amazed at the endless varieties of crazy porn domains and new approaches to webspam.

Rich Skrenta說到, 搜尋引擎就是把全球的頁面複製一份到你的叢集裡, 然後進行七項苦工(分散式系統,HTML分析,文字與語意分析,反垃圾,人工智慧與機器學習,使用界面,彈性的系統規模)...然後每天都會驚訝發現許多的色情與垃圾網站...(僅就意思翻譯,請多包涵)


其實從上次Google的PR調整來處罰Paid link, 大概就清楚人為干擾search engine algorithm的例子 ,但由Rich Skrenta的說法就更明白, 非自然的網頁行為是被嚴密的監控的, 也許您會認為上億頁的資料中不會被發現, 那您就低估了人工智慧與機器學習的可能性 ...


Commandment 1: There are No Rank Guarantees
Commandment 2: Ranking is Not the End, Its the Means
Commandment 3: Know Your Competition
Commandment 4: Use Search Engine Friendly Design
Commandment 5: Select Keywords that are Worthy
Commandment 6: Write Great Content
Commandment 7: Use Good Hyper Linking Strategy
Commandment 8: Write Relevant and Original Meta Content
Commandment 9: Acquire Relevant Links
Commandment 10: Consult Experts, If You Need To

也可以很清楚的知道: 好好耕耘內容, 不需要太在意評分, 自然可以呈現好結果

我們現在再回來看看Udi的文章 ...

PageRank is still in use today, but it is now a part of a much larger system. Other parts include language models (the ability to handle phrases, synonyms, diacritics, spelling mistakes, and so on), query models (its not just the language, its how people use it today), time models (some queries are best answered with a 30-minutes old page, and some are better answered with a page that stood the test of time), and personalized models (not all people want the same thing).

顯示PageRank只是"Part-of", 由許多觀察也發現, PR與SERP不如以前關係緊密, 因此許多追求PageRank的作法應該有所調整, 並且以後可能搜尋結果可能會因人而異(您看到自己頁面的搜尋結果很好,不要太高興啦...)

In 2007, we launched more than 450 new improvements, about 9 per week on the average...we made significant changes to the PageRank algorithm in January.

去年Google就進行了450次以上的調整, 並於2008.01做了PageRank algorithm重大調整, 跟一些專家所說的數字差距真的太遠啦

There is a whole team that concentrates on fighting webspam and other types of abuse. That team works on variety of issues from hidden text to off-topic pages stuffed with gibberish keywords, plus many other schemes that people use in an attempt to rank higher in our search results. The team spots new spam trends and works to counter those trends in scalable ways; like all other teams, they do it internationally.

如Rich Skrenta所說的, Udi也提到非自然的SEO取巧作法是被嚴格觀察的...尤其當您在網頁上看到某些取巧的作法時, 就趕緊停止吧, 因為Gooogle早晚也會知道的...


